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You have $1M trapped inside your head...

Everyone is an expert at something.

Step #1 Dial in what that niche is, who it is that wants to learn from you, and finally what platforms to reach them.
Step #2 Design a marketing strategy to reach that target audience and find out what they want and how they want it.
Step #3 Build a course, group coaching, or mentorship program based on what your audience is telling you they want.

10 Ways to Grow Your Email List

Kajabi 10 Ways to Grow Your Email List

Everyone wants advice on how to grow their email list. Here are some thoughts...

  1. Create Compelling Lead Magnets: Offer valuable and relevant lead magnets such as e-books, whitepapers, templates, or exclusive content that visitors can download in exchange for their email addresses.

  2. Optimize Sign-up Forms: Place sign-up forms prominently on your website, landing pages, and blog posts. Keep the form simple, asking for minimal information, usually just name and email.

  3. Use Exit-Intent Popups: Implement exit-intent popups that appear when a visitor is about to leave your website. Offer a last-minute incentive to capture their email before they go.

  4. Host Webinars and Events: Organize webinars, workshops, or live events that require registration. Promote these events through your website, social media, and other channels to capture email leads.

  5. Offer Exclusive Deals and Discounts: Provide exclusive deals, discounts, or early access to new products/services to subscribers, encouraging visitors to join your email list.

  6. Run Contests and Giveaways: Host online contests or giveaways and require participants to enter with their email addresses. Ensure the prize is relevant to your target audience.

  7. Utilize Social Media: Use social media to promote your lead magnets and encourage followers to subscribe to your email list for valuable content and updates.

  8. Leverage Referral Programs: Implement a referral program where existing subscribers get incentives for referring friends or colleagues to join your email list.

  9. Content Upgrades: Offer content upgrades within your blog posts or articles. Provide additional valuable resources that readers can access by subscribing to your email list.

  10. Collaborate and Guest Post: Collaborate with influencers or other businesses in your niche and offer guest posts or co-created content. This exposes your brand to a wider audience and can help grow your email list.

Growing an email list is an ongoing process, so regularly review and optimize your strategies to attract and retain subscribers effectively.

But, now that they're on your email are you going to sell them into your products?

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and how to propel your business with this all-in-one platform

Kajabi FAQ

The Ultimate Guide to Starting & Running
an Online Coaching or Consulting Business

  • How much is this business going to cost me?
  • How do I know if I'm expert enough?
  • What's the difference between a Coach & Consultant?
  • What does a typical day look like?
  • How much can I make and how long until I reach success?
  • What reasons would my business fail?
  • How will I get paying clients?