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You have $1M trapped inside your head...

Everyone is an expert at something.

Step #1 Dial in what that niche is, who it is that wants to learn from you, and finally what platforms to reach them.
Step #2 Design a marketing strategy to reach that target audience and find out what they want and how they want it.
Step #3 Build a course, group coaching, or mentorship program based on what your audience is telling you they want.

How can I ensure sure nobody steals my course material?

Kajabi course agreement to avoid stealing course materials

A legal course agreement helps protect your materials as a content creator or instructor by establishing clear terms and conditions that govern how your materials can be used by students or participants in the course.

Here's a link to the legal template I use >>


Here's why having a legal course agreement is important for protecting your materials:

  1. Ownership and Copyright: The agreement can specify that you, as the content creator, retain ownership of all the course materials, including text, images, videos, presentations, and any other content you've created. It can also assert your copyright over the materials, making it clear that others cannot copy, reproduce, or distribute your work without your permission.

  2. License and Usage Rights: The agreement can grant students or participants a limited license to use your materials solely for educational purposes while participating in the course. This license can outline the restrictions on sharing the materials with others or using them for commercial purposes.

  3. Protection against Unauthorized Use: By having a legal agreement in place, you have a formal document that demonstrates the terms of use and informs students of their responsibilities. This can deter participants from attempting to misuse or exploit your materials unlawfully.

  4. Enforcement and Remedies: In case someone breaches the terms of the agreement and uses your materials in a way that goes against the agreed-upon terms, the legal course agreement can provide you with a basis to enforce your rights and seek appropriate remedies, such as damages or injunctions.

  5. Termination and Withdrawal: The agreement can outline the circumstances under which a participant's access to the course materials may be terminated or withdrawn if they violate the terms of use. This ensures that you have control over who can access and use your materials.

  6. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure: If your course materials contain sensitive information or trade secrets, the agreement can include provisions for maintaining confidentiality and prohibiting students from disclosing or sharing such information.

  7. Dispute Resolution: The agreement can specify how disputes related to the use of course materials will be resolved, including options for mediation or arbitration, which can help you address potential issues without resorting to lengthy and costly legal proceedings.

  8. Compliance with Intellectual Property Laws: The agreement ensures that you are taking appropriate measures to protect your intellectual property rights and comply with copyright and other relevant intellectual property laws.

A legal course agreement serves as a protective measure to safeguard your materials from unauthorized use and helps create a clear understanding of the rights and responsibilities of both you and the students or participants in the course.

It provides a formal framework for protecting your intellectual property and can help resolve disputes in a fair and transparent manner.

Do you have an agreement in place? 

Here's a link to the legal template I use and recommend >>

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Kajabi FAQ

The Ultimate Guide to Starting & Running
an Online Coaching or Consulting Business

  • How much is this business going to cost me?
  • How do I know if I'm expert enough?
  • What's the difference between a Coach & Consultant?
  • What does a typical day look like?
  • How much can I make and how long until I reach success?
  • What reasons would my business fail?
  • How will I get paying clients?